Ghazipur remembers Sir Syed
M.A.H.Inter College and Aligarh Old
Boys Association,Ghazipur organized a Seminar on the great architect of Muslim
education “Sir Syed Ahmed Khan- Shaksiyat aur Khidmaat” on 17 october,2012 in
the ground of M.A.H.Inter College.
Mohd.Adib Ahmad sb Member of
Parliament [ Rajya Sabha ] as a chief Guest inaugurated the function while Haji
Waris Hasan Khan , Manager of school was the President of the function.
M.A.H.Inter College played a perfect host to the function. M.A.H.Inter
college Principal , Khalid Amir welcomed
the guests and said that the contribution of Sir Syed was indispensable for the
Muslim community’s educational map in undivided India. He struggled hard at a
time when the country was passing through a dark and era of depression.
Renowned scholar Obaidur rahman
makki impressed the gathering with his speech full of optimistic and
progressive thoughts.
Obaidur rahman sb said that Sayyid Ahmad was involved in a
wide range of activities—from politics to education. He was to leave a deep
mark on the new Islam and science discourse through his writings and by
influencing at least two generations of Muslims who studied at the educational
institutions he founded. The first two decades after 1857 witnessed Sayyid
Ahmad Khan’s increasing preoccupation with the prevailing conditions of Muslims
in India. He perceived Muslims as backward and in need of education. This
period also saw an increasing degree of public involvement in educational and
social arenas. On January 9, 1864, he convened the first meeting of the
Scientific Society at Ghazipur. The meeting was attended, among others, by
Ahmad Khan’s future biographer, Colonel Graham, who was convinced that India
could benefit from England’s technological wealth. The Society was established
with two clear objectives; two more objectives were added in 1867. Thus the
goals of the Society were:

(i) to translate into such languages
as may be in common use among the people those works on arts and sciences
which, being in English or other European languages, are not intelligible to
the natives;
(ii) to search for and publish rare and valuable oriental works
(no religious work will come under the notice of the Society); (iii) to
publish, when the Society thinks it desirable, any [periodical] which may be
calculated to improve the native mind; (iv) to have delivered in their meetings
lectures on scientific or other useful subjects, illustrated when possible by
scientific instruments.
Aligarh Survey Team inspected Victoria school ( GGIC,GZP )
Makki further said that Ghazipur is remembered as a great social and
educational reform movements started by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan for Muslims to
improve their socio-economic condition and bringing in educational reforms. But
unfortunately this great movement, over the years, has lost its momentum and
steam mainly due to absence of any other charismatic personality like Sir Syed
Ahmed Khan to take it forward. Though few individual efforts had been put by
some concerned alumnus of AMU and other notable figures but their efforts
didn’t yield the desired results. Aluminies of A.M.U. have realized that it is
the need of hour to revive the Aligarh Movement as the community is still
lacking far behind in education and their socio-economic condition is getting
worse, now such a step requires sincere efforts from individuals and bodies
those are concerned and are honestly looking forward to address this
issue,A.M.U.Old boys Ghazipur of thus
started bringing such individuals and bodies on a common platform from where
sincere and serious efforts can be made to revive the theme of Aligarh Movement
and benefit the community at large.
Dr. Allama Mohammed Iqbal says:
‘’Mubtalaayay dard koi azu ho roti hai aankh
Kis qadar hamdard saray jism ki hoti hai aankh’’
(The eye weeps for the suffering of any and every part of the
How sympathetic it is to the entire organism)
Addressing the audience Z.K.Faizan , Ex.President of A.M.U.Student Union ,regarded
Sir Syed as a person to have the blend of Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Tipu Sultan.
He narrated the virtues, teachings and persona of Sir Syed and quoted from his
sayings -- the quotes which talked of nation, Muslims, secularism and
importance of education. He also quoted from the writings of renowned Scholar
Hali in the context of Muslims’ present plight.
At this function Dr.Shababuddin ,Head ,Deptt.of Urdu ,Shibli National College
Azamgarh said the key to success and achievement lies in discipline which
should go with education and practice of day to day life. The discipline and
rules of army and police which were imbibed by the British were actually what
the Prophet Muhammed taught us 1400 years ago.
While pointing out the shortcomings and ills of the society,Shababuddin sb
said that we the Muslims still have the highest dropout rate of our children
from the schools. He said it was painful to see that our schools are not up
till 12th class and could not offer Science stream in English in many cases
including the Republic School, which he said was a matter of shame for the
Dr.Zafar Aslam referring
to Sir Syed's efforts to give a new outlook and understanding in place of
traditional and conservative ideas, she exhorted the University community to
adopt a rational and scientific thinking that would enable them to bring
changes in the society in accordance with the contemporary challenges.
Paying rich tributes to the great
social reformer, educationist and statesman, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Dr.Mohd.Aslam,Lecturer
Dr.Mokhtar Ansari College,Yusufpur Muhammadabad said that Sir Syed was not only
a Muslim benefactor but he was a boon for the whole country and his services in
spreading modern education are unforgettable and unparallel.He said that Sir
Syed showed a new path of educational and intellectual development to the
nation. He wanted the education that would provide enlightenment and not merely
a degree,he added.
Rajya sabha
Member Jnb Mohd.Adeeb sb while chairing the function, praised the personality
and stature of Sir Syed with the famous Urdu couplet ‘badi mushkil se hota hai
chaman me deeda var paida’. He said promised to change the scene of the Muslim
community’s educational plight if he was rightly supported by the community to
implement the schemes. He appealed to the Muslim intelligentsia and thinkers to
come forward and take up the challenge with him to build universities and
educational institutes if the hurdles he was facing are addressed by the
community and cleared.
He said that the first
two decades after 1857 witnessed Sayyid Ahmad Khan’s increasing preoccupation
with the prevailing conditions of Muslims in India. He perceived Muslims as
backward and in need of education. This period also saw an increasing degree of
public involvement in educational and social arenas. He stressed the
need to study and implement the virtues and practices of Sir Syed whose
personality and teachings were different from the crowd, who also stood to lot
of criticism from his contemporaries and yet stuck to his mission. Sir Syed’s
vision about various sections of life and his personality has impressed and
influenced our lives.

Adeeb sb further said that he
advised them to concentrate on education; he was against the involvement of his
community into politics. He was great advocate of Hindu-Muslim unity and it is
worth remembering that the first graduate of Aligarh was a Hindu.Sir Syed
challenged the orthodox Muslim clergy of his time and propagated a liberal and
rational ideology based on modern concepts in the light of Holy Quran and
Hadees (the traditions of Prophet Mohd P.B.U.H). His views were rejected by
Muslim clergy and he was condemned as KAFIR by them. As he was personally
affected by the Indian Mutiny he wrote the famous historical book -
‘Asbab-e-Baghawate- Hind’ (The Causes of Indian Mutiny) in which he audaciously
criticized the British rulers and their policies. He did boldly and explicitly
blamed the British for the causes of revolt.
Ziaul Islam ,Cordinator,All India Minority Educational
Institutions,Govt.Of India appealed that we could learn so much from Sir Syed’s
struggle, who started the Aligarh movement for higher and modern education at a
time when there was no weightage given to formal worldly education and only
religious study was considered enough.
He described that he had
witnessed with his own eyes the devastation, death and destruction - the
untrammeled fire of vengeance and hate; and he had seen his own community being
trampled underfoot by the White rulers. He had realized that animosity between
British and Muslims, in the aftermath of the Indian Mutiny 1857, had not only
marginalized the Indian Muslims but pushed them into an unenviable abyss of
poverty, ignorance and shame. They had been relegated to the backwardness of
many many centuries. He also felt that the socio-economic future of Indian
Muslims had been put into jeopardy by their aversion to modern science and
Ameeq Jamei,Genaral Secretary ,Youth CPI,said that Sir Syed
was a role model for all of us for promoting the idea of modern education. He
further said that Sir Syed was an individual with
exceptional qualities of leadership and he was a modern priest, a great tribune
of Muslim society who, with a mighty grasp, shook it free from the shackles of
sloth; ignorance and vermin that fed upon it.
At last
the poets of Ghazipur including Rais Shaheedi,Qadr Parvi,Badsha Rahi and Hunter
Ghazipuri also tributed in poetry on the different shades of Sir Sayed .A
chorus song on Sir Sayed,written By Aziz Ghazipuri,was presented by the
students of M.A.H.Inter College.
In the
last , Principal Of M.A.H.Inter college Khalid Amir thanks all participants at
Sir Sayed Day and said that:
Hazaron Saal Nargis apni be-noori pa
roti hai,
Bari mushkil se hota hai chaman men deedawar paida.’
At last TARANA OF ALIGARH was sung :
ye meraa chaman hai meraa chaman, maiN apne chaman kaa bulbul
sarshaar-e-nigaah-e-nargis huuN, paa-bastaa-e-gesuu-sumbul huuN
(chaman : garden; bulbul : nightingale; sarshaar : overflowing,
soaked; nigaah : sight; nargis :flower, Narcissus; paa-bastaa : embedded; gesuu
: tresses; sumbul : a plant of sweet odor)
ye meraa chaman hai meraa chaman, maiN apne chaman ka bulbul
jo taaq-e-haram meN roshan hai, vo shamaa yahaaN bhii jaltii hai
is dasht ke goshe-goshe se, ek juu-e-hayaat ubaltii hai
ye dasht-e-junuuN diivaanoN kaa, ye bazm-e-vafaa parvaanoN kii
ye shahr-e-tarab ruumaanoN kaa, ye Khuld-e-bariiN armaanoN kii
fitrat ne sikhaii hai ham ko, uftaad yahaaN parvaaz yahaaN
gaaye haiN vafaa ke giit yahaaN, chheRaa hai junuuN kaa saaz yahaaN
(taaq-e-haram : vault in the sacred territory of Mecca; roshan :
glowing; shamaa : flame; dasht : wilderness, desert; goshaa : corner;
juu-e-hayaat : stream of life; junuuN : frenzy; bazm : gathering; vafaa :
faithfulness; shahr-e-tarab : city of mirth; Khuld-e-bariiN : sublime paradise;
armaan : hopes; fitrat : nature; uftaad : beginning of life; parvaaz : flight;
saaz : song on an instrument)
ye meraa chaman hai meraa chaman, maiN apne chaman ka bulbul
is bazm meN teGheN khenchiiN haiN, is bazm meN saGhar toRe haiN
is bazm meN aanKh bichaa'ii hai, is bazm meN dil tak joRe haiN
har shaam hai shaam-e-Misr yahaaN, har shab hai shab-e-Sheeraz yahaaN
hai saare jahaaN kaa soz yahaaN aur saare jahaaN kaa saaz yahaaN
zarraat kaa bosaa lene ko, sau baar jhukaa aakaash yahaaN
Khud aankh se ham ne dekhii hai, baatil kii shikast-e-faash yahaaN
(teGh : swords; saGhar : goblets; shaam-e-Misr : evenings of
Egpyt; shab-e-Sheeraz : nights of Sheeraz, a famous city of Iran; soz : pain;
zarraat : dust; bosaa : kiss; baatil : evil; shikast-e-faash: clear defeat)
ye mera chaman hai mera chaman, main apne chaman ka bulbul hun
jo abr yahaaN se uThThega, vo saare jahaaN par barsegaa
har juu-e-ravaan par barsegaa, har koh-e-garaaN par barsegaa
har sard-o-saman par barsegaa, har dasht-o-daman par barsegaa
Khud apne chaman par barsegaa, GhairoN ke chaman par barsegaa
har shahr-e-tarab par garjegaa, har qasr-e-tarab par kaRkegaa
abr : cloud; juu-e-ravaan : flowing streams; koh-e-garaaN : big
mountains; sard-o-saman : open and shelter; dasht-o-daman : wild and subdued;
qasr-e-tarab : citadel of joy)
ye abr hameshaa barsaa hai, ye abr hameshaa barsegaa
ye abr hameshaa barsaa hai, ye abr hameshaa barsegaa
ye abr hameshaa barsaa hai, ye abr hameshaa barsegaa
barsegaa, barsegaa, barsegaa..
Asrarul Haq Majaz